Good and Poor Branding — Corporate Id

Marissa Paesang
3 min readJan 24, 2022


Poor Branding

This logo is from a restaurant I noticed when driving around. It caught my eye because the Poke&Prep read as Puke&Prep when driving by. I know what they were trying to do however I feel like the could have the image/logo replace a different letter.

This is from a restaurant that is located in Pittsburgh and they have the skyline of the city in the coffee cup and I just don't think it reads at well as they thought it would. I feel like the font relates to Pittsburgh nicely but the city gets lost when you try to scale the logo smaller. I fee like good branding is very versatile and this logo only seems to work in a few scenarios.

This is a redesigned logo for Rhode Island tourism. I feel like this logo has similar issues to the previous cafe412 logo. I don't think this logo would be recognizable as a large scale, I only know it is Rhode Island by the type. Maybe something that could be good or bad about this logo is its very abstract. I s it supposed to be a wave, a shark fin, or a sail.

Good Branding

I feel as though this brand is very recognizable. When I go to the store this stands out against the rest and I feel as though it relates to the product very well. You can make the relation between healthy foods that are gourmet but at the same time easy and affordable.

This brand is a water company that is in cans instead of plastic bottles. I feel like the name is very catchy and it stands out against other water brands. Maybe one downfall of this branding is when I first saw it in the store I assumed it was beer but after reading it was water I appreciated the different design and they elevated can design for something as simple as water.

This logo is a good example because as a brand that is under a stores brand but doesn't want to be looked at as a generic brand when put against Nike or Adidas. This logo as a sports brand can be read upside down the same s it does right side up and that could be helpful on sporting goods as people maybe be upside down and it can still be read.

